Qyubic is a free savings platform that provides shoppers over 300+ brand coupons, genuine deals, exclusive codes, and offers from the best E commerce shopping brands throughout the Middle East.
If you no longer see the coupon on the site then it is gone for now. However, stores often bring back coupons every month so check again at the beginning of the next month.
Yes, Qyubic is available currently in English & Arabic. We will be adding more language support in the future.
We are working hard to update our FAQ. Incase a query is not mentioned please drop your queries at support@qyubic.com
Qyubic is a free platform which provides users brand discount codes in the Middle East which can be applied during checkout on a brand page to avail discounts upto 40%. Qyubic will also be offering cash savings on popular brands. These cashbacks in return are saved in your Qyubic wallet and can be withdrawn without a fee/deduction
As of now we are currently available in 9 countries . United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Oman, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan and Qatar
There are 20+ categories available with Qyubic. From Electronics, Shoes, Beauty, Sports, Baby and more .
Wishlist is a feature which helps you save your coupon, cashback or gift card incase you want to use it later . On every deal there is a small heart icon on the corner . On clicking it saves that particular deal, coupon, cashback or gift card into your Wishlist.
yes you have to login to save a deal or multiple deals to the Wishlist.
The search bar helps you find your favorite brand you are looking for and also helps you find different categories for eg Electronics with ease.
Qyubic Filter helps you sort Qyubic search results by the fastest delivery time, item availability, and unsponsored items. Finding exactly what you want to find or order from Qyubic
Sortby functions helps Qyubic customers sort deals in multiple levels . For eg you can sort deals based on how recently it has been added(Newest), or the oldest one added(Oldest) and so on
To subscribe to Qyubic newsletter you can scroll to the end of the website where you will find a field "SUBSCRIBE" you just need to fill in your first name, last name and Email and you are done.